News & Events

News & Events2024-09-30T11:10:16+00:00

“मराठी भाषा गौरव दिन” | OCL

जेष्ठ कवी व ज्ञानपीठ पुरस्कार प्राप्त कविवर्य कुसुमाग्रज उर्फ श्री वि. वा. शिरवाडकर यांच्या जन्मदिवसाचे औचित्य साधून दिनांक २७ फेब्रुवारी [...]

The OCL organised intra-college parliamentary debate competition on the topic of DECRIMINALISATION OF INDIAN POLITICS | OCL

The Oriental College of Law organised intra-college parliamentary debate competition on the topic of DECRIMINALISATION OF INDIAN POLITICS, wherein students [...]

Underwater Theme Dress Up : Our Preschoolers were introduced to the topic of marine life in an innovative manner. | OESIS

Underwater Theme Dress Up: Our Preschoolers were introduced to the topic of marine life in an innovative manner. At the [...]

The Oriental Education Society’s Oriental College of Law along with Sanpada College of Commerce and Technology, Oriental College of Pharmacy, Oriental College of Education and Oriental College of Management organized Degree Distribution Ceremony on 16th February, 2019 at Cidco Exhibition Centre, Vashi. | OCL

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